What type of Coaching?
Choose from any of the following areas:
New Teacher Coaching: for recently trained but new to the complexities of running a multi-aged classroom, including preparing the environment with furniture and materials placement, routines and organization.
Untrained (or in training) Teacher Coaching: new to the complexities of running a multi-aged classroom with so many subjects AND not fully trained in Montessori.
ABAR and Preparation of the Adult Coaching: teachers who want to work on exploring biases, classroom culture, and the spiritual preparation of the adult.
Classroom Routines Coaching: teachers who know their albums but want to tighten up conferences, work review, record keeping, observation cycles, and classroom management.
Classroom Management Coaching: teachers who want to work on issues of classroom culture of work, difficult student behaviors, and parent communication.
Standards Based Academic Coaching: teachers who want to ensure their lessons are both aligned to the state standards and their Montessori albums.
Reaching All Learners Coaching: teachers who want to differentiate, meet IEP goals, GT student needs, and ensure all students are working to their potential.
Staff SEED Course: SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) is a 9 month facilitated conversational course which allows for personal, organizational, and societal change toward social justice. There are nine 3-hour sessions during the academic year for a group of staff.
Coaching for 1 teacher or a group:
Individual Coaching: 1 on 1 with Dakota and a teacher. This includes 9 observations and in-person coaching sessions, and 4 follow-up virtual or phone conversations. Dakota will also meet for 45 minutes per visit with leadership to discuss growth and goals.
Team Coaching: Up to 4 teachers working with Dakota. This includes 9 observations and in-person coaching sessions, and 4 follow-up virtual or phone conversations. Dakota will also meet for 90 minutes per visit with leadership to discuss growth and goals.
Large or Multiple Team Coaching: Up to 10 teachers working with Dakota. This includes 9 observations and in-person coaching sessions, and 4 follow-up virtual or phone conversations. Dakota will also meet for 90 minutes per visit with leadership to discuss growth and goals.
Online Only Session: Specific topics TBD by school and Dakota. For example: parent education nights, how to utilize conferences in the classroom, reaching all learners.
Staff Coaching: Up to 20 staff members who want to take the SEED course.